Tabel pemotong otomatis tukar delapan paksi memiliki lebar kerja efektif 1300 mm, diameter pemotong 32-150 mm, lebar pemotong rendah 1 mm, dan akurasi pemotong ± 0,05 mm. Ini cocok untuk memotong rekaman paket seperti pita listrik, pita kertas, dan pita dua sisi diameter gulungan kecil. Desain drive unik dari pemotong spindle turntable sepenuhnya menunjukkan prestasi yang bagus dari seluruh peralatan operasi lembut, membuatnya pilihan terbaik untuk peralatan pemotong otomatis kualitas tinggi dan efisiensi tinggi.
The eight axis automatic exchange cutting table has an effective working width of 1300mm, a cutting diameter of 32-150mm, a cutting width as low as 1mm, and a cutting accuracy of ± 0.05mm. It is suitable for cutting packaging tapes such as electrical tape, paper tape, and small roll diameter double-sided tape. The unique drive design of the cutting spindle turntable fully demonstrates the excellent performance of the entire equipment's smooth operation, making it the best choice for high-quality and high-efficiency automatic slitting equipment.